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How to Still Get Your Reading Fix Despite Trump’s Tariffs

How to Still Get Your Reading Fix Despite Trump’s Tariffs

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Regardless of who you voted for, it’s without a doubt that Donald Trump taking office will impact your life in one way or another. Although many were heartbroken to see him win the election, in 2025 we must face the hard truth that his plans will soon be put into motion and we can’t do much about it. One area that’s heavily impacted is the proposed tariffs placed on printed materials, with 60% placed on goods imported from China and 20% from other countries. Let’s talk about Trump’s tariffs.

The move is not something that’ll benefit the working class, as Trump’s stated agenda is to punish China and stop the flow of migrant workers. This would drastically create an increase in the price of physical books, most likely leading many to pursue ebooks for obvious reasons. So what does this all mean for the average consumer who thoroughly enjoyed perusing through Barnes and Noble or their favorite bookstore with an iced coffee to find a new book or comic to read? Let’s chat about some options for our fellow bookworms who don’t want to break the bank to get their fix.


Many of you who are heavy into reading might already have an e-reader like a Kindle or even an iPad. With services like Audible through Amazon and an app, you can purchase books for as low as $1.99 as opposed to a physical copy for prices often upward of $15. If the tariffs do cause a hike in books, then the number one way to dodge that increase is to opt for digital options. This way, you’re still supporting your favorite authors and getting the content with no interference. This posses an even more solid choice for people with multiple people within a home that read, giving you the option to share books (you were probably already doing this anyway because whats the purpose of buying multiple of the same novel for one household?).

Let’s take it a step further and venture outside the house, maybe even in your friend group. You guys could still share books by even swapping e-readers for a week or so. When you think of it this way, it seems like a fun way to save some money all while keeping you in contact with your besties. One group that might be impacted more is book clubs, as they are typically all purchasing physical copies. 

Comicbook Subscriptions

For us nerds, we aren’t safe either as this would also mean an increase in the price of comic books. Don’t worry, we have options for online reading as well with options like Marvel Unlimited and DC Universe Infinite offering subscriptions to keep up with your favorite heroes. There are some down sides with the subscriptions as opposed to purchasing individual issues or physical copies. While Marvel offers you a yearly subscription for $69 with access to over 30,000 comics, you have to wait 3 months after its initial release to get your hands on the new issues. DC does you one better by offering you a plan that’s $5 higher at $74.99, but you only have to wait 30 days to get your fix. You might be like many that are fans of both and opt to sign up for both and truthfully, that’ll probably still be much cheaper than whatever wild price Trump is about to roll out.


Nothing compared to the feeling of being a teen and begging your parents to take you to the store to buy the newest issue of Word Up! Magazine or J-14. Now as adults, some of us still snag our favorite issue, whether it’s because of the celeb on the cover or to fulfill the aesthetic of our coffee tables. Whatever your reason, printed magazines are very much still a thing (I definitely run to grab whatever cover Timotheé Chalamet is on).

Magazines (in some cases) are available as electronic issues as well and could cure your desire for an entertaining read, but it just doesn’t hit the same as a physical copy. Because of the quality of paper and the amount of color needed for printing, it’s safe to assume that magazines will receive the highest percentage of price increase. While newspapers seem to be disappearing slowly but surely, magazines mostly likely will be around for much longer. When it comes to entertainment and fashion, monthly issues often revolve around an entertainer taking part in a photoshoot that many fans often eat up and love to collect, an itch that an electronic issue simply won’t scratch.

With Trump’s inauguration happening soon (so much happening in the country right now that a delay wouldn’t be a complete surprise), these options might pose a new norm for us that indulge in a good read here and there. I for one will still be purchasing physical copies as books provide a nice look to a home so they double as a source of reading material and home decor.

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