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BGN Gameplay: ‘Gears of War 5’ is a Campaign Worth Fighting For

BGN Gameplay: ‘Gears of War 5’ is a Campaign Worth Fighting For

Gears of War 5
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BGN gamer and comic book reviewer E.Angel has shared some gameplay footage of her latest challenge — Gears of War 5.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out Gears of War 5, you can catch up on E.Angel’s assessment of the game in her latest review.

She describes it as the following:

Having been away from the Gears series, I had forgotten what I did really enjoy. Unlike most games that are chasing after the Fortnite fame, this chapter continues the heritage of good storytelling with the campaign mode. I spent my first hour or so going through the campaign and did not get as far as I would have liked due to enjoying the story and the cutscenes. The option to skip the cutscenes is always there, but it is easier to figure out the objective, beyond killing everything, when you watch them. However, it became clear very quickly that things would be easier if I upgraded my character. So, I ventured out from the relative safety of the campaign to embrace other game modes.

Below are screen captures of Gears 5 in various modes and a final finish of winning the game. For more gameplay content from BGN on YouTube click here and if you haven’t subscribed and hit that notification bell already, then what are you waiting for?!

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