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Daniel Sharman Shares The Mind of The Weeping Monk in ‘Cursed’

Daniel Sharman Shares The Mind of The Weeping Monk in ‘Cursed’

Daniel Sharman
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BGN interviews actor Daniel Sharman (The Weeping Monk) in the new Netflix series Cursed.

Based on the New York Times bestselling book, Cursed is a re-imagination of the Arthurian legend, told through the eyes of Nimue, a young woman with a mysterious gift who is destined to become the powerful (and tragic) Lady of the Lake. After her mother’s death, she finds an unexpected partner in Arthur, a humble mercenary, in a quest to find Merlin and deliver an ancient sword. Over the course of her journey, Nimue will become a symbol of courage and rebellion against the terrifying Red Paladins, and their complicit King Uther.

Cursed is a coming-of-age story whose themes are familiar to our own time: the obliteration of the natural world, religious terror, senseless war, and finding the courage to lead in the face of the impossible.

Interviewer: Jeandra Lebeauf

See Also

Video Editor: Kassandra Igbokwe

Cursed launches on Netflix July 17th.

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