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Teach With Films!

Teach With Films!

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It’s no doubt that using movies as a teaching concept offers you and your students a break from the typical traditional methods of teaching. I remember how hard it was maintaining concentration for as little as thirty minutes when reading through my textbooks in grade school.  I kept wishing there was an alternative entertaining way of obtaining knowledge and skills in class. As a teacher, you can achieve this by creating sensory experiences in your students through films. Similarly, as an educational essay writer, you can use films as an instructional tool to create plays of your scripts.

Films for Didactic Teaching

Today, students and teachers need not worry about the tedious learning processes, thanks to technology. Films have become an integral part of schools. Teachers and students relax, have fun, and learn. Film innovations today dominate the communicative medium of cinema, and even more exciting is the easy integration of movies to traditional teaching methods. 

Movies as Additional Teaching Resources 

Whether you are a teacher in kindergarten or elementary school, movies will increase your range of resources and teaching techniques. But, before selecting any film, get a list of the objectives that you, as a teacher, aim to achieve. One sure way of rejuvenating the learning process in schools is by putting into consideration the particular qualities you want to pass to your audience. For whatever reason, the film must be short, enjoyable, and entertaining. Remember, the essence is to capture and maintain the attention of learners. Selecting a film for educating children has been simplified as many production companies, and film directors offer free access to high-quality films with educational themes.

Films Break Boring Classroom Routines 

The joy of every teacher is to ensure all students grasp the necessary communicative skills in schools. Film education passes as one of the most effective methods of imparting such knowledge and skills in younger people. More often than not, the textbook reading may appear dull and tiresome, especially to young readers. This is why incorporating movie watching as part of the school curriculum is an incredible concept of introducing fun into learning complementing the traditional and boring textbooks learning method. 

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Excite Sensory and Visual Environments!

Short films go a long way in capturing the attention of children. A film may be short but comprise diverse information and original sensory and visual universes. This is why teachers need to consider the age, message, and lesson they intend to teach their students. The movie must comprise information relevant to the subject being taught. Moreover, the film must be age-appropriate. Movies may be rated as R, meaning that it is war-related or PG requiring guidance from parents or, in this case, the teachers. In such a case, there are numerous edited copies of the same movies that can be used. 

Pros and Cons of Film Based Education

There are numerous advantages of using film education in schools. However, it is essential not to disregard the use of textbooks in classrooms. Like any other teaching concept, film education possesses its cons when overused. How then can you ensure that you reap the maximum benefits of using films as educational tools in your classrooms and not as a mere entertainment tool? 

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Movies in classrooms are meant to capture the attention of the students. However, students might get overly immersed in the film and forget the actual purpose exercise; to grasp the lesson and turn of events. This can be problematic. To overcome this issue, teachers should go over the objectives of the undertaking and answers questions before the actual time of watching the movie. Usually, it is recommended that the teacher asks the students to read the questions aloud and have students reflect on them for a moment.  The teacher should remind the students that the answers to the questions asked are to be found in the film; thus, total concentration is required.

Finally, accompanying the film with learning packets and teacher’s total engagement allows for a little time pause for short discussions. Besides, students realize that watching the movie is part of learning and not a ticket to sleep.

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