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The Events of What Happened to Corlys Velaryon in Season 1 of ‘House of the Dragon’ Will Impact His Decisions in Season 2

The Events of What Happened to Corlys Velaryon in Season 1 of ‘House of the Dragon’ Will Impact His Decisions in Season 2

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Spoilers ahead for season 1 of House of the Dragon.

Corlys Velaryon, played exquisitely by actor Steve Toussaint, nearly died last season. After his neck was slashed by an enemy’s dagger at the battle of the Stepstones, and he fell overboard at sea, we all thought that was the end of the Sea Snake.  But thankfully, he survived and after recovery from a fever that killed many of his own men. He certainly has a lot to be grateful for.  In season 2 of House of the Dragon, Corlys will reflect a great deal on his past.  As it’s quite obvious that he went through an incredibly traumatic event.  With his loving wife by his side, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, played by the magnificent Eve Best, not even one of the healthiest relationships in this show can save him from what haunts him the most  – his past. 

In an interview with BGN, Toussaint talks about how Corlys’ sacred relationship with Rhaenys will be impacted by what happened to him and that it does in fact take into account the things Corlys does. He says, “he’s trying to save his relationship, but also stay true to himself.”

Toussaint also adds that when Corlys runs away from a problem he goes off on his ship for a couple of years, but he’s unable to do that this time. And he can’t do that this time because Corlys is still recovering from his injury from last season and his ship is in a state of disrepair.

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When speaking to how his past affects his decisions going forward as we follow Corlys Velaryon’s journey in season 2, Toussaint adds:

“There’s always going to be something that dictates what he does at least in the first half of the season”.

There is also a new character that will play a significant role in Corlys’ story Alyn of Hull (Abubakar Salim) a sailor in the Velaryon fleet who served in the Stepstones. We shall see how that relationship plays out in the first or second half of the season.

You can watch the full interview with Steve Toussaint and the cast here.

The premiere of House of the Dragon season 2 begins June 16th on HBO and will be available for streaming on MAX. 

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