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Try These Galentine’s Day Ideas to Make Your Day More Empowering

Try These Galentine’s Day Ideas to Make Your Day More Empowering

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For Galentine’s Day each year, there are usually two groups of women — those who have been planning for this day since the beginning of the year have an Amazon cart filled with heart-shaped decorations and those who aren’t clear on what this day is or equates it to another silly holiday.

This day, derived from the popular TV show Parks and Recreation, is held on February 13th, and it’s meant to be a day where women celebrate each other. Whether you are trying to decide on which brand of wine to have at your Galentine’s Day celebration or trying to decide if this day is worth the fuss, here is a new perspective. Galentine’s Day can be more than a day of boozing it up with your girlfriends. It can be a day of empowerment by taking typical traditions and turning them into something more meaningful than drinking four bottles of champagne.

Here are some Galentine’s Day ideas to incorporate this year.

Galentine’s Day parties are popular events. There’s often a dress code that requires you to wear an assortment of pink. I don’t know about you, but pink has never been my color. For some, it can make them feel pretty and delicate. For others like myself, wearing black or other darker shades makes us feel good. So instead of following one color scheme for your party, you can have a theme. Have your invitees wear something that makes them feel powerful, sensual, or strong. Almost everyone has that memorable outfit: The pantsuit you wore when you got the new job. The sexy dress that got you loads of numbers one night. That lucky T-shirt. The important thing is to wear something you feel good in. If you want to get a little more creative, you can dress up as your favorite female role model, be it Michelle Obama or Catwomen.

Moving on from the dress code, let’s go to the party decorations. Don’t worry, you can still order that huge “Happy Galentine’s Day” banner. Along with the pink streamers, you can have a wall filled with positive affirmations written on colorful Post-it notes. Find a blank wall and either post affirmations before the party or have guests add to the wall as they come in. When your guests leave they can grab a Post-it with an affirmation and use it when they need to feel confident.

Next, on your party prep list is the food. It’s very common to do a brunch-style party, but whatever the spread might be, it can be both healthy and indulgent. If you going for more breakfast food, you can have some delicious berry parfaits with Greek yogurt for antioxidant benefits. Try some whole-grain pancakes with agave syrup. Meals such as acai bowls, herb and tomato omelets, and overnight oats can be packed with both flavor and nutrition.

No Galentine’s Day is complete without goodie bags. Goodie bags can double for self-care. Imagine opening a box or bag and instead of cute trinkets, you have a sleek bottle of sparkling Perrier water as a reminder to stay hydrated. You have bath bombs and a sheet mask to give yourself a personal spa day. You have natural medicines such as herbal teas and multi-vitamins because health is wealth. Amongst all these luxurious self-care products, there’s a small bottle of Prosecco for you to open when you meet your next goal.

If you’re thinking all these things sound great but you don’t have the capacity to plan a party, here are some small but powerful ways to celebrate this holiday.

Choose one of these activities to do by yourself. Although a party is a typical thing to do, that doesn’t mean you have to do it. Get a little dressed up for yourself — some lipstick and mascara can do wonders for your spirit. Remember when you look good, you feel good.

Try posting positive affirmations around your mirror. That way when you look at your reflection, instead of focusing on anything negative, you can be reminded to view yourself positively as you start your day.

Make yourself a self-care box. You can find an old shoe box or get fancy with a gift box and fill it with your favorite things. Your favorite scented candle, a new fragrance, your favorite chocolates. You use it that same day, or you can save it for a day when you need a little pick me up.

Talk with a good friend and tell them how much they mean to you. Whether you prefer to send a text message, do a video call, or go old school and leave a voicemail, telling someone you care is the ultimate gift.

The last and more important way you can make this holiday empowering is to allow yourself to feel and share your emotions. Often certain social activities can be used for numbing our feelings. That’s usually how most of us end up with a large bar tab every Friday night. Whether you’re spending this holiday watching Netflix with your bestie or having a quiet night a home, allow yourself the space and time to feel any emotions you’ve been avoiding — that bad breakup, the effects of the pandemic, those frustrating Tinder dates. The best way you can celebrate your girlfriends is to let them know they matter and that you support them.

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