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10 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month

10 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month

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Women’s History Month is celebrated every year during March to recognize the contributions and the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history. Congress first declared March as Women’s History month in 1987. Since then, every year there’s a Presidential Proclamation to announce the month and to honor women who have made a notable impact in history. If you’re wondering how to celebrate Women’s History Month this year, here are 10 ideas to get you started.

Learn the History of Women’s Rights

The theme of Women’s History Month this year is “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope,” which is both a tribute to the continuous work of caregivers and front-line workers during the global pandemic and also a recognition of the ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout the course of history. It seems fitting during this month to learn the history of women’s rights in this country, including how and why women fought for the right to vote and how married women had no property rights or had the opportunity to gain an education. We are not so far removed from these days, so it’s inspiring to learn the progress we’ve made.

Be Aware of Issues Women Face Today

Although women have made progress, we still face obstacles because of our gender. For example, women still earn less in the workplace — 78 cents for every dollar earned by men. Black women earn only 64 cents, while Latinas earn only 54 cents for each dollar earned by white men. There are double standards and hiring biases in the workplace, and women are underrepresented in corporate leadership roles, not to mention ongoing struggles with domestic violence, sexual harassment, trafficking, and rape culture.

Take Advantage of Social Media

An easy yet effective way to celebrate Women’s History Month is to utilize the social media platforms you are on every day. Engage with your audience by sharing articles, videos, inspiring quotes, and other women-centered content. Give yourself a personal challenge of posting a women’s history fact to your feed every day.

Support a Women’s Organization

If you want to make a measurable difference, put your time or money toward a charity or organization that works with women and girls. There are ones big and small that empower women and push the needle on gender equality. They can use all the help they can get. Here is a list of charities for women’s empowerment.

Plan an Event That Celebrates Women

An in-person or virtual event can be a fun way to acknowledge Women’s History Month and build solidarity with other women. Invite your friends to watch movies directed by women and with female leads, listen to feminist podcasts or watch feminist shows. Start a conversation on Twitter about what sisterhood means to you, or go live on Instagram and discuss an empowering women’s topic. If you’re like me, you can think about ways to redecorate your work space with women’s art. Write handwritten affirming notes to women you care about. Think about ways in which your business or side hustle can support women.

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Support Women-Owned Businesses

Women-owned businesses, particularly those owned by Black women, do exist, but we want to see so many more. This month would be the perfect time to show your support. Just by being on social media every day, I come across many. If you’re interested in starting your own business, learn how the Small Business Administration (SBA) helps women launch new businesses, as well as connect with training and funding opportunities here.

Watch Ted Talks of Women

See Also

It’s always a good time for a TED Talk, right? I love to put one on in the background sometimes while I’m working. The TED website has a whole curated list of videos about and by women. A few of my favorites are Luvvie Ajayi Jones, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Amber Wright, and Amanda Gorman. You can learn a lot in a short amount of time, which is win-win.

Support Women Authors

I will always scream this from the rooftops: give the creative women of the world some well-earned love. Supporting an author can look like following and engaging with them on social media, reading their blogs, leaving a review on Amazon, and, of course, buying their books.

Mentor a Girl or Fellow Woman

There are many local and national programs where you can become a mentor for women and girls, including Girls Inc., Boys and Girls Club, YWCA, and more. Being a mentor is a big commitment, but it’s also extremely impactful and rewarding. You only need to be one step ahead of someone to reach back and teach them what you know.

Raise Money

If you have a knack for fundraising, rally your friends and family behind a cause that supports women and girls. Starting a fundraiser is easy with tools like Facebook. You can also get behind a community fundraiser that already exists.

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