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Comic Book P.B. Soldier Brings S.T.E.M. To Students of Color

Comic Book P.B. Soldier Brings S.T.E.M. To Students of Color

P.B. Soldier
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Reaching students of color one comic book at a time is the mission of comic book creator Naseed Gifted behind his new series P.B. Soldier.

Independent comic book publisher, writer, creator and educator, Naseed Gifted, is getting more young people excited about S.T.E.M. through comic books. Gifted uses his comic book P.B.Soldier, to not only entertain, but to educate. Crowdfunding is the vehicle of choice for most independent creators and Gifted is no exception. His goal is to raise $10,000 by March 20th for the production, distribution and marketing of his 170-page graphic novel P.B.Soldier: The Awakening. Gifted is also raising money for S.T.E.M. education programs in his hometown of Newark, NJ.

P.B. Soldier is a science fiction adventure that follows covert operative Nat Cummings, a skilled computer hacker, who uses his skills to help pay for college tuition. When his activities are discovered, he becomes an International Terror Threat – “code red.” The newly formed government/paramilitary organization called The Establishment gives him a simple choice, either work with them to become a highly-trained assassin or be terminated.

If successful, the ambitious campaign will use stretch goals to donate to the Malcolm X Shabazz High School – Gerald Lawson Video Game & APP Development Academy in Newark, NJ. – a program that Gifted has taught and led for over a decade. If the campaign surpasses the $15,000 mark, Gifted promises to distribute S.T.E.M. Classroom Kits to multiple schools in Newark’s district, for free.

S.T.E.M. or Science, Technology Engineering and Math Programs are often the lowest funded and the lowest graduated in urban areas. Gifted is working hard to change those statistics by traveling the country, speaking at schools, comic book conventions and after-school programs. His goal is to get young marginalized students excited about science and the arts one comic book at a time.

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P.B. Soldier

Gifted states, “These stories aren’t just about a group of assassins, but rather about the consequences of human choices made in the midst of impossible situations.” Gifted further elaborates, “We’re trying to get students interested in S.T.E.M. and we use comic books as a vehicle.“

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Here is the Kickstarter Link to support:

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