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‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 5 – “The Reaping Has Begun”

‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 5 – “The Reaping Has Begun”

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Written by Angelica Monk and Jamie Broadnax

Last week  we’re still reeling from the death of Rhaenys at the hands of Aemond during the Battle at Rook’s Rest. The sneak attack from Vhagar was a cheat code and sadly both Rhaenys and her dragon Meleys perished from their wounds. 

In episode 5, we open up in Driftmark and see a heartbroken Corlys on the Driftwood Throne grieving the loss of his wife. At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra also mourns the loss of Rhaenys. Meanwhile, in King’s Landing, Criston Cole and company parade the head of Meleys through the streets of King’s Landing. Criston wonders why the people are not celebrating. Gwayne calls it “a strange victory, if it was one.” The smallfolk whisper amongst themselves that it is a Black Omen. They call the death of the dragon an abomination. One spectator thought it was impossible to kill a dragon as they are regarded as gods. Hugh the Hammer tells him they are mortal, they’re just meat.

At the Red Keep, Alicent watches as Aegon is brought in surreptitiously in a covered wagon. Aemond joins her side, and she looks suspiciously at her son. Aegon is brought to his chambers where a group of healers supervised by Grand Maester Orwyle are waiting for him. A set of Silent Sisters (known for caring for the dead) look on nearby.

Alicent walks in and asks the Grand Maester if Aegon is alive, he replies he’s with us for the moment as he gently removes the Valyrian Steel armor that was stuck to his flesh revealing his torso covered in burns. Another maester sets his broken leg and Alicent wants to know if her son will die. Orwyle cannot say but essentially asks Alicent to leave him alone as the next few hours are critical. Aemond stands at the foot of Aegon’s bed and tells Alicent someone will have to rule in his stead.

Alicent goes to Criston’s chambers as he methodically cleans his swords. She asks him what happens, and he avoids answering her directly, stating they took the castle at the cost of 900 men. He adds a garrison was left behind to defend the castle and to watch over Sunfyre (in the books his wing is nearly torn off and he can no longer fly, he remains at Rook’s Rest and is called a golden wyrm). Alicent clarifies she wants to know what happened to Aegon and Criston says he fought valiantly, she then asks about Aemond’s part in this, and Criston denies knowing anything about Aemond’s involvement.

At Dragonstone, the Black Council discusses the loss of their largest dragon.. They have no ground army except for the army they hope Daemon will raise at Harrenhal. Ser Alfred says Daemon has all but abandoned them after some marital spat, the rest of their Council shakes their head at his statement. Rhaenyra confronts Ser Alfred asking if he has an issue with her, he confirms he is loyal to her. Rhaenyra doesn’t question his loyalty, but she doesn’t think he respects her. He goes on to say he doesn’t question her intelligence, but the gentler sex hasn’t been privy to battle or its execution. Rhaenyra puts him in his place as her father’s rule was peaceful, he’s seen no more battles than she has.

Baela is reading in the library when Jace enters. He’s in his riding clothes and Baela asks him where he’s going, Jace is heading to Harrenhal to treat Daemon. He wants him to reaffirm his loyalty to Rhaenyra and report his status. Baela doubts Jace can tame him considering Rhaenyra was unable to. Jace expresses his frustration, Baela is able to fly and fight on Rhaenyra’s behalf while Jace is confined and treated like a coddled princeling, he feels humiliated. He cannot sit still anymore, he decides to treat the Freys as they control the crossing of the Twins, Cregan Stark’s greybeards are marching south and crossing the Twins will be a direct route into the Riverlands, they wouldn’t have to wait on Daemon to assemble his army.  Baela says Rhaenyra will never allow him to go, and Jace tells him not to tell her until he’s already gone. She nods in agreement.

In the Riverlands, Daemon and Willem Blackwood meet with the Brackens. Mounted on Caraxes, Daemon threatens them to bend the knee or die. The Brackens refuse, opting to die by fire than align themselves with the Blackwoods. They turn their back on Daemon and Caraxes and we expect them to be lit up, but we cut to Daemon sitting on a rock flabbergasted that the Brackens were so eager to die. Willem tells him he should have indulged them, Daemon says he needs them alive, he came there to raise an army not corpses. Willem angrily states, “Now you see what we have been dealing with for a generation,” and Daemon says they would rather burn than succumb, Daemon respects that stating they are the type of men they need.

We travel to the Vale and see the Eyre in all its glory. Lady Jeyne Arryn (Amanda Collin) tells Rhaena how the Eyre is impregnable except from the sky. Rhaena states Rhaenyra sent her two dragons exceeding her expectation of simply one, Lady Jeyne scoffs, they’re too small and Rhaena corrects her stating she didn’t specify the size of the dragons. Lady Jeyne chastises Rhaena for goading her considering Rhaena now relies on her. Jeyne states she dislikes feeling powerless, something Rhaena knows all too well. Jenye lets her get ready for supper, passing along her condolences for the loss of her grandmother (this is the first Rhaena has heard of her death)

 In Dragonstone, Rhaenyra confides in Mysaria that her Council doesn’t trust her. Her father didn’t prepare her for war as she was a girl who was simply educated, never taught to fight. Mysaria tells her there is more than one way to win a war. Cole made a mistake by parading Meleys through the streets, the smallfolk are scared, food is scarce, their King has fallen and they whisper amongst themselves that when Viserys was King there was peace. Rhaenyra wonders if whispers will break stones, Mysaria encourages her to believe in her subjects, it’s possible to turn the tide. Whispers are fed to the discontent and the forgotten. She tells Rhaenyra to let others do what she cannot. We cut to a shot of Elinda leaving the castle under cover of night.

Baela sits with Rhaneyra expressing her sadness, imagining Rhaenys lying in a field broken amongst her enemies. Rhaenyra tells Baela stories of Rhaenys claiming Meleys, Baela recalls, her father was angry at her for claiming his mother’s dragon. Rhaenyra says she was fierce, much like Baela. With Rhaenys gone, she must rely on Baela and hands Baela a box to give to Corlys as she does not wish to stand alone.

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Daemon dreams about sleeping with a beautiful Targaryen woman who whispers in his ear that he was meant for the throne. Viserys was not fit to rule, the woman says, if only you were born first, my favorite son. He pulls away from her and there’s blood on his hand, he realizes the woman is his mother, Alyssa Targaryen. He snaps back to reality at dinner with the Strongs. Daemon orders Ser Simon to prepare Harrenhal for an enormous host, he is sure the rivermen will rally to their cause. Ser Simon asks how they will pay for everything and if they should write to Rhaenyra, Daemon rebuffs him, he’ll guarantee payment himself. Lyonel nods in agreement, referring to Daemon as my prince. Daemon corrects him, he’s married to the Queen which makes him King and Simon says he is King Consort. Daemon says the last part is unnecessary and walks off.

Alicent learns from the Grand Maester that Aegon will likely never awaken from his coma, reinforcing a Regent is necessary. At the Green Council, against Alicent’s wishes Aemond is made Regent. Alicent put herself up but the Council including Larys state that while Alicent previously served well under Viserys, it would hurt their cause to raise a woman up to rule on their behalf. Criston is asked for his opinion, and he agrees Aemond is the right choice. Aemond smiles and takes his place at the head of table, ordering they must keep the city under heavy surveillance, the gates will be closed, and no one is allowed to leave or enter without permission. He also orders the ratcatchers cut down. Alicent listens to this whole exchange sick to her stomach that she has been overlooked.

Hugh attends to his sick daughter while his wife tells him the city is no longer safe, they must flee the city, her brother has room for them in Tumbleton. Hugh reluctantly agrees. At the gates of King’s Landing, Hugh, his family, and hundreds of smallfolk are denied passage out of the city by order of their Regent, Aemond Targaryen.         

At the Twins, Jace meets Lord Forrest Frey and Lady Sabitha Frey. Jace smoothly negotiates with them both offering them protection and threatens them with his dragon in exchange for a safe crossing. Lady Frey requests Harrenhal and Jace tells her his mother would only consider giving up Harrenhal in exchange for bent knees. They agree.

Back at Harrenhal, Daemon works to fortify the castle by chopping wood. His princely hands aren’t used to the labor and Alys tends to his wounds. She tells him she’s heard of happenings in the Riverlands, the Blackwoods are committing war crimes by violating and stealing the wives and children of Bracken men. Daemon insists it’s for a bigger cause, the woman and children are the ones that are suffering. She wonders if his tactics are approved by the Queen. Daemon states that the people will never be led by a woman, they will look to a man. When he takes Kings Landing, Rhaenyra is welcome to join his side and rule with him. Alys says it’s a pity he never knew his mother when they are interrupted by Ser Simon who states the Brackens have conceded and will bend the knee.

Rhaenyra meets with Ser Alfred and says he was right; their only hope is with Daemon and the army at Harrenhal. She asks Ser Alfred to meet with Daemon and find out his true intentions (is he raising an army from her or himself?) Ser Alfred asks if she has a message for him and she says, “Tell him I would like to finish our last conversation”.

Baela meets with Corlys as they lament the death of Rhaenys, she then tells Corlys Rhaenyra wants him to be her Hand. Corlys says even after the death, Rhaenyra is still asking more of him. Baela tells him that it is an honor and it’s a sign of her esteem. Corlys would rather go sailing into the west and Baela tells him Rhaenys believed in Rhaenyra and died fighting for her, a death that Baela wants for herself… that of a true dragon rider. She gives the Hand of the Queen badge to Corlys, and he calls after her, telling her he would make her heir. Baela smiles, and says, “I am Blood and Fire. Driftmark must pass to Salt and Sea.”

Daemon is awakened from his restless sleep during the hour of the Wolf by Ser Simon. The Lords of the Riverlands have demanded to meet with him. When Daemon grumpily receives them for waking him out of his sleep and their lack of decorum. The River lords complain that their Septs, their lands were sacked and destroyed, and their peasants put to the sword. Daemon attempts to place the blame on the Blackwoods but the River lords state they were carrying Targaryen banners. A Lady of the Riverlands tells Daemon they will not bow to a tyrant and the River lords leave.

At Kings Landing, Elinda attempts to go into the city. She is told she cannot enter by a Gold Cloak, but she says she’s running an errand for lady Mysaria. The Gold Cloak thought she was dead, but Elinda tells him she’s alive. She’s led into the city and Elinda knocks on the door of a brother and is greeted by Dyana the former maid of at the Red Keep. If you remember in episode 3, we see Dyana serving ale at the brothel house to Aegon (who raped her in season 1).

 Aemond looks on at the Iron Throne and Helaena appears behind him asking was it worth the price? We cut to Alicent watching over Aegon in his bed, she leaves, and we hear Aegon whisper, “Mother.”

Jace returns to Dragonstone and he’s chastised by Rhaenyra for leaving without her permission. She understands his frustration as she too is confined to the castle. Despite this, she is proud of Jace for acting. She is concerned about their position as they need more dragons after the loss of Meleys, Rhaenys fought fiercely and took down one dragon, but they still need more. Jace tells her they aren’t short of dragons, he mentions Vermithor and Silverwing. Rhaenyra says that may be true, but they don’t have riders, Rhaena is mentioned but she almost lost her life on the last attempt and Rhaenyra will not risk it. Jace tells her there are others of their line that could ride the dragons, they only need to find them. Rhaenyra says it’s a mad thought and looks at her scrolls. The Reaping has begun.

Tune in next Sunday night at 9pm ET on Twitter and Threads as we use the hashtag #DragonsYall and check out our YouTube show as we breakdown each of these episodes! 

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