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‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 8: “The Queen Who Ever Was”

‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 8: “The Queen Who Ever Was”

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Written by: Angelica Monk and Jamie Broadnax

Welcome to our Season 2 finale recap of House of the Dragon

We open with Tyland Lannister as he meets with the leaders of the Triarchy, who demand a high price to break the Blockade of the Gullet — the Stepstones. Tyland hesitates as they will drive up prices and charge a toll for passing ships but eventually agrees. The leaders tell him he has one last obstacle, the commander of their fleet, Sharako Lohar (Abigail Thorn) must agree to sail with him. Otherwise, the men won’t follow. Admiral Lohar curtly refers to Tyland Lannister at first as Tywin.

Aemond has set fire to Sharp Point, clearly in his feelings about Rhaenrya showing off her dragons forcing him to flee in the opposite direction. And now innocent lives are lost.

In his chambers at the Red Keep, Aegon is attended to by Maester Orwyle. Aegon calls him a good man as Larys enters to have a word. He tells Aegon they must leave Kings Landing as Rhaenyra has claimed three more dragons. They are in danger and Aemond is also a danger to him, as he is angry and unpredictable. Aegon refuses to leave. He’ll take Aemond as prisoner upon his return, but Larys says they will be left exposed when Rhaenyra descends upon them with seven dragons and they have no protection of Vhagar. Larys proposes they flee to Essos; he diverted the funds from Harrenhal which they can live off. Aegon says, “I am burnt, crippled, my dragon is dead [no one has told him Sunfyre is alive], and his [nether regions] exploded.” Larys tells him they will return when Aemond and Rhaenyra destroy each other. He will return as Aegon “The Realms Delight.”

In the Vale, Rhaena spends days tracking the wild dragon. She wanders, cold and thirsty, but is determined to claim it. Jace finds Ulf and Hugh in the Black Council chambers. Ulf’s feet are propped on the painted table as Hugh fusses with him to go to dragon training. Ulf agrees to go after he satisfies his indulgences and sips a goblet of wine. Jace enters and demands he remove his feet from the table. Ulf pays him little mind until Hugh tells him that Jace is the crown prince. Ulf stands up and hugs Jace and comments on his dark hair. Ulf calls them both dragonriders, one and the same. Irritated, Jace rebuffs him calling it a sacred rite he knows nothing about. He tells Ulf and Hugh about the burning of Sharp Point and asks Ulf if he’s prepared to face battle. If to hinder their efforts due to his laziness, Jace will see him hanged and his body fed to the dogs in the streets. Hugh and Ulf go to training.

Rhaenyra meets with Corlys and discusses the new dragon riders. She knows nothing of who they are or their strength of character but she’s aware Corlys has had interactions with Addam of Hull. Corlys regrets he has not had many dealings with him but he’s hard he’s a good man.  Rhaenyra knows Vhagar is now outmatched but Corlys reminds her about Helaena’s dragon, Dreamfyre, a formidable dragon, but Helaena is not known for riding her and is no warrior. Corlys says Aemond is desperate, and he will not be denied (implying Helaena will have to serve him). Rhaenyra agrees and asks how the Seasnake fares, Corlys say they will join the blockade the following day, but he’s renamed the ship “The Queen Who Never Was.” Everything Corlys does is now for her.

We cut to Daemon at Harrenhal, his army is preparing to march in two days’ time. Ser Simon brings Ser Alfred Broome to speak with Daemon. He asks to speak with Daemon privately. They speak in the Godswood and Ser Alfred declares he was loyal to King Viserys and while Rhaenyra means well, they need a man to lead them. He asks Daemon to declare for himself, they need a king. Ser Simon watches them from the shadows.

At the Red Keep, Ser Jasper Wylde tells Aemond the new dragonriders are lowborn of Targaryen descent. Rhaenyra called on them and they were transported by ship to Dragonstone. Aemond demands no ships are allowed to leave or enter Blackwater Bay without clearance. Ser Jasper says that will affect the fishermen who are supplying food for the people. Aemond says sacrifices must be made.

In her chambers, Helaena asks Alicent why everyone hates them as they did not order the blockade. Alicent tells her that smallfolk are angry and are looking for someone to blame; they expected the royals to break the blockade. Alicent asks if she will leave King’s Landing and Helaena says, “Where will I go?” Aemond enters and demands Helaena must ride out on Dreamfyre. Alicent protests and Helaena refuses. She will not burn anyone. Aemond grabs her, stating they are in danger now, more than ever. Alicent reminds him that Helaena is still the Queen, and he spits, “As you were.” Alicent accuses him of burning Sharp Point because it made him feel powerful, but Helaena will not be corrupted as she is the most gentle and deserving of his protection. Aemond says Helaena must learn to protect herself as their lives are at risk. Alicent says she doesn’t want to protect themselves like this, and Aemond storms out of the room.

At their encampment in the Riverlands, Criston Cole sits alone, staring at Alicent’s handkerchief. Ser Gwayne confronts him about breaking his oath, pressing his sword against Criston’s throat. He says, “A steward’s son from Dorne, f*cking the queen of the Seven Kingdoms.” Criston corrects him calling her the former queen and admits she has broken no oath. Gwayne threatens to send Criston to the Wall, and Criston tells him he only disgrace his family by revealing his sister’s secret.  Criston explains Alicent saved his life twice: once from the headman’s axe (for sleeping with Rhaenyra) and once from himself (his attempted suicide). Since then, Alicent is the beacon he follows.

Criston goes on to say, he is ashamed as his desire for woman has brought him nothing but grief. Gwayne tells him to resist his desires, like his brothers in the Kingsguard have. Criston says, “Do they? Perhaps they do or perhaps all men are corrupt. Then true honor is a mist that melts in the morning.” Gwayne calls his philosophy bleak. Criston says his philosophy was his sword, to protect the righteous and dispense justice on the rest. But after what he saw at Rook’s Rest, he says, “Dragons dance and men are like dust under their feet and all of their thoughts and endeavors are nothing. They march towards their own annihilation and to die would be their own form of relief.”

In the Dragonstone library, Baela teases Jace for pouting. He insists he’s not pouting; he’s reading. Baela knows he’s angry and Jace confides in her that the dragonseed are an insult to them and everything that makes them Targaryens. Baela isn’t upset as it will not do her any good, the dragons don’t make her or him. She tells Jace to stop sulking as he is the son of the rightful Queen and the crowned prince. She reminds him that he’s not the “first noble heir that was not sired by his noble father,” that such is the way of the world and to resent it only diminishes himself. She encourages Jace to prove his naysayers wrong and get up and take his place at his mother’s side.

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Later, Rhaenyra holds a dinner for the new dragonriders. She tells her three new riders that if they serve her well, she will make them knights. Ulf is excited at his potential new title, Addam reassures Rhaenyra he is honored to serve her, and Hugh asks what they must do. Rhaenyra tells them to learn their training and commands as they will fly in two days. They must secure the Riverlands and crush the opposition. Baela is concerned about killing innocents, but Jace tells her it is a necessary evil. Addam asks about Vhagar and Ulf jumps in declaring he’ll take on Aemond with Silverwing; they are afraid of nothing, even if Addam is. Addam says, “There will be time enough to see which one of us is a coward.”

In Harrenhal, Daemon awakens to find Alys on his bed. She leads him into the Godswood, and he sees a strange stag like humanoid disappear behind the tree. Alys tells Daemon he’s changed, when he first arrived, he wished to rule the world, but she knows he realizes that the world cannot be governed. She tells Daemon there are omens at the Godswood for those who seek them. Daemon believes her and Alys asks if he wants to learn what has been given to him as all his life he sought to command his own faith but today he is ready. She places Daemon’s hand upon the face carved into the weirwood and Daemon sees a vision.

He sees Brynden Rivers called Bloodraven as evidenced by the wine-colored birthmark on his face. Brynden is revealed to be the Three-Eyed Raven from the original series and Daemon’s great-grandson. He sees the White Walkers beyond the Wall and a pit of dead dragons. He sees three dragon eggs engulfed in fire, and the red comet shooting across the sky. We cut to a vision of Daenerys Targaryen when her dragons first hatched and then Daemon sees Rhaenyra sitting upon the Iron Throne. He hears a voice that says, “It’s all a story and you’re but one part in it,” Daemon turns and sees Helaena standing before him. She says, “You know your part, you know what you must do,” and Daemon awakens.

We cut to Helaena standing on the balcony. Aemond approaches her and once again asks her to come with him to Harrenhal. They are dragonriders, something Alicent cannot understand. He wants her to lay waste to Daemon and all that oppose them. Helaena asks if she refuses, will she burn him like Aegon? Aemond says it is a lie, and Helaena says she saw it — she saw him burned, and she saw him fall. Aegon will be king one day, he will sit on a wooden throne, and Aemond will be dead, swallowed up by the God’s Eye, never to be seen again. Aemond says he could have her killed, and Helaena says it wouldn’t change anything.

Rhaenyra and Addam arrive at Harrenhal. Rhaenyra lands while Addam circles the castle (Caraxes seems to be happy). Ser Simon meets Rhaenyra and leads her into the courtyard, Syrax lands just above them, a show of power. The men gathered barely acknowledge Rhaenyra but part when Daemon arrives. He approaches her telling her the men are sworn to him and Rhaenyra asks him loudly, to whom is he sworn? Daemon and Rhaenyra speak in High Valyrian and Daemon tells her of his vision of the White Walker, he knows they have a bigger war to fight for the good of the realm. Rhaenyra tells him he sounds like Viserys. Daemon says they must do what they must, the realm’s only hope is a leader who can unite them, Viserys chose her. Daemon bows to her and declares her the true queen, he is bound to serve her. Daemon’s army and Ser Alfred bow before her and declare themselves for her.

Corlys calls Alyn prior to their departure from Driftmark. Corlys asks Alyn to leave on good terms with his first mate. He tells Alyn the men find him distant but he cannot lead if he cannot inspire. Alyn says he never wanted to lead but will do better and goes to leave. Corlys tells him he’s trying to help, and Alyn refuses his help, recounting his childhood. He had to struggle and survive to feed himself as he watched Corlys parade his trueborn son right in front of him. Alyn tells Corlys he doesn’t want the crumbs of his favor, he will serve him, but he doesn’t want his help. If he survives this war he will continue to survive as he always has, alone.

That night, Rhaenyra is awakened by a visit from Alicent who has arrived at the castle in secret. She admits she was mistaken and now knows Rhaenyra is the rightful queen. She was jealous of Rhaenyra as child because she always knew what she wanted whereas Alicent did as she was told. She’s lost her way, and she no longer has her husband, her father, or her lover to direct her. Rhaenyra scoffs at Alicent having a lover, Alicent admits she wore her virtue like armor. Alicent tells Rhaenyra she’s seek of plotting and only wants to leave King’s Landing with her daughter. Rhaenyra tells her it’s too late now, but she’s free to go. She wonders what it has to do with her. Did Alicent think coming to Rhaenyra would absolve her?

Alicent tells her that when Aemond flies to meet with Cole in the Riverlands, she will allow Rhaenyra to enter King’s Landing with no bloodshed and the war will end once she takes the throne. She believes she can convince Aegon to bend the knee to Rhaenyra as he is now a broken man. Rhaenyra refuses as she must kill Aegon to secure the throne. She tells Alicent she must pay the price. Rhaenyra asks Alicent to choose, “a son for a son,” and after a torturous moment, Alicent agrees to sacrifice her son.

Alicent leaves the castle as Hugh, Ulf, and Addam are readied for war, fitted with their armor. Rhaena runs across a field and finds herself face to face with the wild dragon. The Hightower army marches with Daeron’s dragon Tessarion flying above them. Meanwhile, Cregan Stark’s greybeards march across the crossing at the Twins, and the Lannister army arrives in the Riverlands, Harrenhal on the horizon. Daemon walks down the steps of Harrenhal to join his army, and Tyland sails with Lohar across the Narrow Sea, Alyn and Corlys row to embark on “The Queen Who Never Was.” Otto is seen hunkered down in the bowls of a ship (the first time we’ve seen him in ages), Larys and Aegon escape Kings Landing in a wheelhouse transport for Ravens, and we end with two shots of Rhaenyra alone in her library gazing at her scrolls and Alicent as she looks upon the setting sun.

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