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‘Kings of Jo’Burg,’ Season 1 Episode 5: “We Are Brothers” — RECAP

‘Kings of Jo’Burg,’ Season 1 Episode 5: “We Are Brothers” — RECAP

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Simon thinks over his baby and son before he’s interrupted by Mo. He gifts his little brother with a new bike that they take out on a spin but immediately are interrupted by the kidnapper from the episode before. They are escorted to meet with Salem (Tarina Patel), who wants to discuss business on diamonds, for which she offers $50 million and corrupt cops. Simon kills the cops even though Mo suggests they think about it. Phumzi wakes up alone then questions Mo on his whereabouts the night before. He suggests that they move, but she surprises us all by stating they stay a bit longer at the mansion. 

The brothers meet to talk about the new hit at the club, headed by Simon, who points out how things will be done when Mo arrives to talk. Mo isn’t happy that Tlotlo is apart of the job, but Mo steps up to do the job on the condition that Tlotlo is never a part of the business. He leaves, upset. Stan is outside taking pictures. Mimi is instructed by Zaza to call Tlotlo to meet with her or else she will be killed. It seems that Mo knows about Sam and Robin when he overhears Simon talking to Sting about it. Jazmine is taking pictures of Lester. Phumzi is doing laundry when she finds blood on a shirt but is interrupted by Angela, who is taking her to a spa to fix her up, including with natural hair. 

Sam goes through his mother’s purse for her phone, which he uses to search her family. Now, I’m curious. His actions seem to alert a Mr. Magic (Michael Anthony) on Robin’s whereabouts. Angela, Keneilwe, and Phumzi are having champagne, but there some drama when Angela brings up the men are working together, bringing in money. She takes shots at Keneilwe messing with Lester but never being married. She’s a superficial sister-in-law. Simon informs Mo on how Robin packed up and left without a word. Mo checks on Tlotlo who is back on drugs, upset with Mo again, then decides to push his dad. Stan and Jazmine are informed that the corrupt cops and Robin are missing. 

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While Tlotlo is chilling pool side with Thuso and Nonzi, Mimi keeps calling. I see he comes out unscathed. The two friends urge him to answer the call. He doesn’t care and hangs up on her. Mimi makes the move to get the gun then leaves Zaza’s house in her car, but it looks like that was Zaza’s plan the whole time. Mo is still mourning over Neo when he visits the area where she died. Sting seems to have come across new information to give Simon. Jazmine breaks into Robin’s home to search it. Mimi arrives at the police station begging for help. Sting arrives at a church to hand Simon information on where Robin is. He is given the task of bringing Sam home. Mimi talks to a cop about what she’s gone through, but I don’t trust the cop in charge. Stan’s men dig and find bodies buried. Jazmine finds diamond earrings that could be a clue to Simon. Speaking of Simon, he shows up at the house where Jazmine is. 

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Mimi does the most basic thing of allowing a cop to drive her home alone. Then he stops in a tunnel. The cop is delivering her to Zaza. Come on now. Simon finds Jazmine openly in the house with the diamonds in hand. He is undisturbed by her being there, but is shocked when she shoots him. Mo arrives in Simon’s office in time to see an SOS alert on his laptop. Jazmine continues to threaten Simon when Mo walks in and shoots her in the head with no warning. How lovely.

I don’t know why I thought Jazmine would live through all this. I’m surprised by her death. Angela keeps talking out the side of her mouth and nothing happens to her. She needs to be taken care of already! So, is Robin coming back or what? Is Phumzi getting used to the good life?

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