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The ‘Shazam!’ Movie is Coming…

The ‘Shazam!’ Movie is Coming…

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This week, fans received a logo, website and a look at two key characters vibing on a (very) small screen. The first major reveal from the Shazam! movie was the logo and the story of how it came to be. On Tuesday, the film’s director David F. Sandberg tweeted about the surprising origin.

His parody logo actually became the one the studio wanted…and also became the first official leak from the film.

On Wednesday, the official Shazam! movie website opened for business:

While there is not much on the page yet, other than the logo and 2019 release, we should all stay tuned. You know how these studios like to put easter eggs on the websites for fandom fun.

Wednesday also brought the Entertainment Weekly Facebook Live event with two of the actors, Zachary Levi, who plays Shazam, and Asher Angel, who plays Billy Batson. The two did reveal a piece of the set (was that a game booth?), but the real story was the way the two actors appeared on the tiny little selfie screen of someone’s cell phone. Their high energy and goofiness should assure you that the roles are in good hands. I just wished we could’ve seen them in costume!

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At the end, the entire family (kids only) came out. See it for yourself here!

All of this info is adding up to a great film, so stay tuned to BGN for updates. And be sure to let us know if you spot an easter egg on the Shazam movie website we may have missed!

By: Jonita Davis

About the Author: Jonita Davis loves, reads, studies, and writes about comics, books, TV, culture, and more. You can usually find her in a corner somewhere, dragging a pen across paper in an effort to make sense of the world. 

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