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BGN is Throwing a ‘Breaking In’ Live Twitter Party and You’re Invited!

BGN is Throwing a ‘Breaking In’ Live Twitter Party and You’re Invited!

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What would you do if your kids were trapped in a house with crazed group criminals? In Breaking In, Shaun Russell must make that decision. She is locked outside, at her father’s house in the middle of nowhere, no car, no phone, and no shoes on her feet. But, Shaun’s baby’s (we still call our kids “our babies” even when they are teenagers, right moms) are trapped inside the home. With them are three men who want something from her father’s home and are not afraid of harming Shaun and her kids to get it.

The movie is full of action that will have you screaming at your television. It also holds a lot of jump-out-of-your-skin shocks that start before the credits roll. So, pay attention and prepare to cheer on Gabrielle Union as she dives into the role of Shaun, the mother who is fed up, pissed off, and Breaking In to get her babies back.

Black Girl Nerds will be hosting a viewing party on Twitter August 7 at 5 pm PT/8pm ET. Breaking In will be available on DVD and Blu-ray after midnight on the 7th. Get your copy and help us celebrate. It will be available for digital download as well.

Don’t be that guy in the middle of the party, stopping the fun to ask what’s going on.

Get in with us as we shout about the hits that our Gabby takes in this film–and gives them just as good.

(She really does need to play Nubia in a future Wonder Woman film after this, that’s for sure.) Pick up a copy of the DVD and Blu-ray disc on sale August 7. Tune in to our #BreakingInMovie Twitter party later that night at 5 pm PT/8pm ET.

New Trailer for Marvel Studios' 'Captain America: Brave New World'

Did I mention that there would be prizes?

We’ll see you then!

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