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Black Women Can Do Anything, Even Build Amazing LEGO Sets

Black Women Can Do Anything, Even Build Amazing LEGO Sets

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Did you know that LEGO bricks are over 90 years old? First invented in 1949 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen in Denmark, these colorful plastic blocks have been a staple toy worldwide for the better part of the last century.

When I was younger, I didn’t have the creative energy or spatial awareness to build anything significant. Building a wall was my best move. Yet, I was always fascinated by what people could create with LEGO bricks. Designs are limitless,and LEGO bricks are so popular that they made an entire theme park, LEGOLAND, around these unique toys.

In addition to their success, these bite-sized toys have been growing in popularity on TikTok, with Black women leading the hype. Let’s talk about why the hashtag #blackgirlsdolego is trending. 

Black women and LEGO bricks 

Recently, Black girls have been trending on TikTok. Why? Because these TikTok users and LEGO architects have been showing off their creations.

One of the front runners of this trend is Alyssa Evans, who first took up LEGO assembling in 2021. Her account is dedicated to LEGO designs. With each video she posts, she encourages Black women and men to show off their collections. 

Don’t be fooled into thinking that LEGO sets are only for specific creations, such as a car and a fire station. There are LEGO sets that replicate art. Evans has created a flower set out of LEGO bricks, a Pac-Man Arcade set, and the famous Starry Night painting by Vincent Van Gogh. 

By posting her creations online, she has gotten over 10,000 views. However, what has been most rewarding for Evans is the community of other women she has gotten to know.


Along with Evans, another rising star on TikTok is Jasmine Towe, who has been building with LEGO bricks since 2023. Her husband gifted her a set to help her de-stress, and she took to this hobby like no other. She has completed sets including a piano, jazz quartet, and Nintendo entertainment system. Towe and Evans prove it’s never too late to start a hobby. Even singer and actress Chlöe Bailey posted photos of her LEGO sets on X.

So why are so many Black women gravitating to this unique hobby?

Benefits of building with LEGO bricks

What’s so enticing about playing with these toys? One of the biggest reasons you might want to steal your nephew’s LEGO set is because building with LEGO bricks is relaxing. Engaging in creating allows your mind to focus on the task at hand rather than ruminate on the negative thoughts. You become more mindful when you create something because you’re focusing on the present moment. 

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Additionally, building with LEGO bricks requires attention to detail. Constantly focusing on which pieces will perfectly snap together and paying attention to shape and structure helps you create new skills. While you may not want to put playing with LEGO bricks on your resume, you can feel confident that your hours of dedication are helping you hone your design skills.

Constructing LEGO sets can also help build your self-esteem by providing a sense of accomplishment. One of the reasons you might feel this sense of achievement is that putting together LEGO bricks is like a puzzle with many different problems to solve. When constructing your LEGO masterpiece, you’ve also practiced your problem-solving skills.

The importance of Black women pursuing unique hobbies and interest

Women working with LEGO sets is not just a fun fad but a statement. It further widens the perception that society has put on Black women as monoliths. It also inspires Black women to prioritize their mental health by finding activities where they can de-stress, relax, and have fun. All in all, Black women building LEGO sets say to the world that Black women are showing up unapologetically.

If you’re considering getting into LEGO bricks and need inspiration, check out these professional LEGO artists.

Ekow Nimako is a LEGO artist who is making an impact with his work. With his medium of LEGO bricks, he is creating and communicating to the world the stories of Black people, their struggles, and joys. One of his most well-known pieces is named Flower Girl. It has over 25,000 Lego bricks and stands four feet (1.2m) tall. As stunning as his masterpiece is, the girl made out of LEGO bricks represents a poignant monument to the victims of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 

His piece Cavalier Noir, which stands seven feet (2.1m) tall, is part of Nimako’s mission to promote positive Black narratives.

Mariann Asanuma is recognized as the world’s first female freelance LEGO artist. She runs her own company, Model Building Secrets, is an author, and has written two unofficial LEGO building books: one on building a LEGO ball and another on adding color to your creations. Her building philosophy is simple yet highly effective and inspiring.

Who inspires you? Do the TikTok creators on your feed encourage you to run out to the store to pick up a new LEGO set? Or are you blown away by the artists who create with LEGO bricks for a living? No matter where your inspiration comes from, don’t be afraid to start something new. You never know where it will take you. 

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