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Quentin, Poppy, Margo, and Eliot find Alice on the floor foaming at the mouth in The Magicians’ “Poached Eggs.” It’s good to see that she didn’t die, but the magic is definitely not responding well to her body. It looks like Julia’s magical escape solution isn’t good for the long term. Plus, she’s still seeing Reynard so the main problem hasn’t been solved.
I can say that I enjoy snarky Dean Fogg. He says the things that I’m often thinking when I’m watching our occasionally lovable group of magicians bumble around trying to fix things.
Of course Margo and Eliot’s idea to store the fairy eggs at Brakebill’s fell apart. Secrets never keep well there, especially when Todd’s involved. They seem to forget that Fray was sent with them as a spy for the fairies. Every time they try to hide something, she finds out and reports back to the Fairy Queen.
Unlike the other characters, Poppy is delightfully amoral. I think she’s a good balance for Quentin and the others. They spend a lot of time justifying their sometimes questionable decisions. Poppy enjoys the subterfuge and gleefully supports it. It’s refreshing. Plus, she and Quentin seem to have an affinity for each other.
Penny and Kady are a good team and their tragedy is compelling to watch. I hope they revisit putting together a body for him once they get the key back from the underworld. They deserve to be angst-y together.
While the negotiations between the Fairy Queen, Margo and Eliot broke down because of Fray, I’m glad it happened. Now Eliot and Fin can truly mourn their daughter who died during childbirth rather than trying to force something with Fray. Something about her always seemed sort of off. It’s sad, but both Eliot and Fin need closure. And I’m a bit tired of the fairies in Fillory story line and ready for it to end.
Can I just say really quick: Hedgewitch Buffy!
Ok, back to other things.
I knew that Alice was going to go dark once she got the magic. Thankfully, she’s grown to recognize when she’s going too far so she can pull herself back from the ledge. It’s nice seeing Alice grow into a much more adjusted person. She’s still a major over thinker, but now she expresses those thoughts rather than holding them inside.
So the fairy story line may be ending, but it’s leading to another one where Margo and Eliot may not make it out alive. I found it interesting how concerns about the people of Fillory were often put aside so they could focus on their own issues. Margo and Eliot seemed to have forgotten to actually rule and serve the people of their kingdom. I’ll be interested in seeing how those people hold them accountable.
What do you think? Will Margo and Eliot end up on poles like the cloud people? Or will they be able to talk their way out of yet another crazy situation?
‘The Magicians’ airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on SyFy.
Ashia R. Sims is a Digital Strategist by trade, storyteller, and technology enthusiast by design. She combined her experience in television/film production, public relations and copywriting into a career in digital strategy/content marketing consulting. Now she spends her days consulting with clients on how to monetize their content and teaching digital marketing courses online and in person. She represents one of the early generations of kids to grow up sitting in front of a computer and enjoys tech talk about the newest smartphone, the coolest app, the latest in data analytics and other digital news.
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