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‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 2 – “Rhaenyra the Cruel”

‘House of the Dragon’ Recap S2 Episode 2 – “Rhaenyra the Cruel”

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Written by Angelica Monk and Jamie Broadnax

After last week’s terrifying episode, Team Green has a lot to process over the tragic loss of Prince Jaehaerys, heir to the King.  As a nurse from Queen Helaena’s (Phia Saban) room runs down the hall with a bloody blanket, we see the remnants of what just happened. Chaos ensues and guards are called along with dogs to sniff out the man or men who committed this monstrosity. King Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) is riddled with fury and yells “I’ll kill them, I’ll kill them all!” His anger sets the stage as grief is the catalyst for a civil war that is already ablaze only for the flames to grow bigger.

In the following scene, Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell) ,surveying the area, notices a coin underneath a table.  This confirms that there was a hit put out on this murder and someone was paid for it. Meanwhile, Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) speaks to his daughter Queen Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooke) and insists that the villain will be found and that they should not be shaken by this. Alicent chokes up and asks “why did it have to be my girl?” Alicent believes that the gods punish their house and they punish her. Otto tries to comfort her by saying some good can come out of this.

We then cut to the council with an enraged Aegon demanding why his son was not protected and stating that his son is his legacy. When Aegon asks Ser Criston Cole (Fabian Frankel) where was his Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Cole states he was in bed and that he ordered the Night’s Watch.  Of course we know this to be a lie given he was caught with his pants down (literally) with Alicent Hightower in episode 1. Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) enters and announces that a man has been apprehended and that he is a known Gold Cloak. He was caught fleeing the gate with a child’s head in a sack.

Aegon wants to immediately exact his revenge but Otto suggests waiting and getting information from him as he could be working with others. To which Aegon says he doesn’t want to be seen as weak and Otto says that he already is seen as weak. Otto also suggests that Prince Jaehaerys’ funeral should be an open casket one and that everyone should see what Rhaenyra (who they believe is responsible for his death) did to Aegon’s boy.  Aegon refuses to have his son’s body dragged through the streets as a spectacle, but Alicent convinces him. To add insult to injury, Otto insists Helaena and Alicent ride behind the funeral procession, expressing the grief of the royal family through the gentleness of souls. Alicent refuses but ultimately she must obey her father.

 Alicent goes to Helaena, who is in disheveled state, grasping her son’s cloak and tells her there will be a funeral for Jaeherys. They must ride behind his body; Helaena tells her mother she doesn’t want to and Alicent agrees she doesn’t either, but they must share their grief with the people. Helaena says she doesn’t want to share her grief, she doesn’t know them. Alicent tells her it is their duty and tries to discuss what Helaena saw in her chambers the night Jaeherys was murdered. Helaena cuts her off and shoves her son’s cloak in Alicent’s arms, “This is for my boy.” Helaena picks up an elephant figurine belonging to her son as tears roll down her face. We cut to the gates of the Red Keep opening as a royal procession rides through the city displaying Jaeherys body. Alicent and Helaena dressed in black, with veils shrouding their faces riding behind him. A herald beats a drum and shouts to the masses gathered to look at the work of Rhaenyra Targaryen, pretender to the throne and defiler of the innocent. We see Jaehaerys small body and the stitch marks across his neck where the Silent Sisters sowed his head back to body.

During the funeral procession, Blood is held in a Black cell, Larys enters and begins to pull out his instruments of torture. Blood immediately spills the tea, admitting he and another was hired by Daemon (Matt Smith). Larys asked who his accomplice was and states he worked with a ratcatcher but did not know his name. Blood asks if Larys is going to hurt him to which Larys says “no but I cannot vouch for His Grace”. Aegon enters and stands before Blood who readies himself for his fate. Aegon grabs a club and smashes his face.

 We cut to Rhaenyra at Dragonstone who has just been informed of the news of the death of her nephew by the Black Council. Maester Gerardys, the Maester of Dragonstone (Phil Daniels), informs Rhaenyra it is unclear on how the Red Keep was breached and explains the gory details surrounding his death. He tells Rhaenyra thousands witnessed the procession and Rhaenyra asks if she was accused of this act. The Maester confirms and Rhaenyra states they should send messages denying the allegations, the Maester agrees but does not believe it will be well received. Rhaenyra also proposes her guard is doubled on Dragonstone and Driftmark as there will be swift retribution for the murder. Lord Bartimos Celtigar, Lord of Claw Isle (Nicholas Jones) assures Rhaenyra it has already been done.

In private, Rhaenyra asks Daemon if he was responsible for Jaehaerys’s death. Daemon said he only sent the Queen’s justice after Aemond. He gave specific instructions to the assassins. Rhaenyra probes further, what instructions were given if they could not find Aemond? Daemon brushes her off, children were never the intended target. Rhaenyra reminds him that he wanted to spill Hightower blood, and anyone would do. Daemon once again denies her accusations, and Rhaenyra states she doesn’t believe him.

Rhaenyra asks if he accepts her as King or does he still desire what he lost. Daemon insists his father named her heir to spite him as he was intimidated by him. Rhaenyra says Viserys was never afraid of him, he could not trust him. Daemon said Viserys was a fool who sought greatness but shrunk from spilling blood in order to achieve it. He fears Rhaenyra will suffer the same fate. Rhaenyra says quietly, “You struck down a child.” Daemon tells her it was a mistake and Rhaenyra says it wasn’t, she sits down heartbroken, and Daemon storms off.

Baela (Bethany Antonia) passes Daemon in the corridor and calls out to him, but he charges away. She enters Rhaenyra’s chambers, noticing the evidence of Daemon’s disagreement in broken pieces on the floor. She instructs Baela to take Moondancer in the morning and keep a watch on King’s Landing. She instructs her to stay high and to not engage as they can’t afford any further mistakes, she’s depending on her. Baela nods in agreement and asks after her father. Rhaenyra tells her he must follow his own path.

Criston interrupts Ser Arryk and the rest of the Kingsguard who are having a meal. Criston notices Ser Arryk’s white cloak is muddy, he insists Arryk change it immediately, Arryk says it was muddied during the funeral procession requests for a moment as he has not eaten since the day before. Criston asks if he is defying his authority and haughtily reminds him his white cloak signifies their purity and fidelity to the crown. He asks if Arryk will so easily sully their ancient honor, Arryk agrees to change his cloak and dismisses himself. As he walks away, Criston asks where Arryk was that fateful night. Arryk says he was with King Aegon who was entertaining his friends in the throne room. Criston asks why he wasn’t upstairs guarding the children and Arryk replies where was Criston that night and why so near to the Queen? Criston knocks over a table and deflects, telling Arryk his brother is traitor and the rest of the Kingsguard leave.

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Arryk tells him it pains him to be separated from his brother as they were one soul who shared two bodies, but he renounced him when he left and if he had shared his brother’s sentiments, he would be with him. Criston says his brother betrayed him and the heir was murdered on his watch, he’s brought disgrace among their ranks which must be restored. Arryk asks how he can restore it and Criston tells him he will go to Dragonstone to slay Rhaenyra disguised as her brother. Arryk is baffled by the proposed suicide mission as he is sworn to honor not to deception. He tells Criston that he is sending him to his death, but Criston says he is sending him to glory. He tells him to go, or he will have to question his loyalty before the king. Arryk accepts the mission.

At Dragonstone Baela is at target practice. Baela thinks sometimes she hates Daemon and Jace (Harry Collett) tells him, it’s hard with fathers. She asks Jace what he remembers about her uncle Ser Laenor Velaryon (John Macmillan), Jace smiles and says he taught them how to fish and had a fondness for cake. She asks about Ser Harwin Strong (Ryan Corr), Jace recalls that he was gentle and fierce and was called “Breakbones”, he believes he loved them. Baela tells him he did and Jace sighs, saying he misses Luke. Baela places a comforting hand on his shoulder.

At a brothel, on the Street of Silk, Aemond lays with the Brothel Madam (Michelle Bonnard) who was his first. He lays in her lap as she strokes his hair, he tells her the murderers were after him, but he wasn’t at the Red Keep, the Madam nods. He’s proud that Daemon considers him such a foe and wishes to murder him in his sleep, he’s afraid of him. Aemond then claims he regrets Luke’s death, he lost his temper that day and he’s sorry for it.

Alyn (Aububakar Salim) continues his work on restoring Sea Snake when he’s approached by his younger brother Addam (Clinton Liberty). He’s been away for months and the two embrace. Addam teases Alyn about Corlys (Steve Toussaint) commending him for his service. He asks if Alyn will sail with Corlys when the ship has been repaired. Addam tells Alyn that as guild has to attend to repairing the Velaryon fleet. Alyn tells him that Corlys has not made an offer and he would prefer he didn’t. Addam tells him to serve the Sea Snake is to seek his fortune, Alyn wants no parts of war. Addam tells him it is an opportunity to distinguish himself as Corlys owes him, in fact he owes them (the brothers). Alyn brushes him off asking after Addam’s famous stew which is waiting for them at home.

After a moment of passion, we find Rhaenys and Corlys lying in bed. He tells Rhaenys he mistrusts the silence of Daemon as he flies away when he’s most needed. Rhaenys tells him where he flies, he wishes to be master. Corlys tells her, he’s the King Consort to which she reminds him, Daemon is not the King. She believes if Daemon can take Harrenhal, all will be forgiven. In the meantime, she will remain at Dragonstone to ensure the Queen will not falter.

 In the great library of Dragonstone, Mysaria is escorted to meet with Rhaenyra by Ser Steffan Darklyn (Anthony Flanagan). Rhaenyra asks if Mysaria was aware of the murder of Jaehaerys, Mysaria was aware but was not involved. Rhaenyra reminds her she conspired with the enemy, Mysaria once again states it was simply transactional. Rhaenyra demands to know who she truly is. Mysaria admits she gave Daemon two names but did not wish to, it was simply the price of her freedom.  Mysaria attempts to convince Rhaenyra that she is not a threat, recounting her journey: selling her body and later becoming a woman of high stature after collecting secrets. Rhaenyra refuses to let her go and instead asks where she got her white scar. Mysaria grimaces and she is dismissed.

In Dragonstone, Ulf the White (Tom Bennett) sees women and children grieve beneath the bodies of hanged men. He asks a woman who the men were, and a woman confirms they were ratcatchers in the King’s employ. We see a glimpse of Cheese hanging from the castle walls, his dog looks on sadly. Otto angrily confronts Aegon for hastily hanging the ratcatchers. Aegon replies Blood advised his accomplice was a ratcatcher and Otto screams calling him an idiot and worse than a fool for murdering innocent men. Criston warns him to mind his tongue when speaking to the King, Otto says he can talk however he wants to grandson. Aegon says an act against the King will be paid back tenfold. He will not be perceived as weak. This exchange infuriates Aegon and he demands Otto remove his badge.  Aegon demands he gives his badge to Ser Criston declaring his new Hand will be a steel fist. Otto says he will regret his decision and throws his badge at Criston’s feet. Aegon tells Otto he is dismissed, and he walks out.

In Mysaria’s cell, Rhaenyra tells Mysaria she is released. She tells her there is a ship bound for Pentos and orders Ser Erryk to help Mysaria collect her things and an arrange for a guard to escort her to her ship. Ser Erryk nods and Mysaria bows to Rhaenyra, shocked by her decision. As she walks with a guard towards the harbor she notices Ser Arryk making his way to the castle, realizing a plot is afoot, she asks the guard to take her back.   Ser Arryk approaches the castle, disguised as his brother. A guard of the household questions why he is outside, as he was thought to be within the castle and Arryk states he was patrolling outside of the castle. He is let in, and he sneaks away through the corridor, careful to avoid his brother.

Rhaenyra begins to settle in when Ser Arryk walks in unexpectedly and draws his swords saying, “Believe me, I had no choice.” Naturally, she thinks he is Ser Erryk and says she doesn’t understand. The real Erryk bursts in screaming, “Brother!” and draws his own sword begging his brother to not do this.   As the two exchange swords, Erryk sticks his fingers Arryk’s wounded like, pushing him off. Arryk grabs his sword and Erryk rams him through with his sword. His brother falls and he approaches Rhaenyra. He says, “Your Grace, forgive me,” and then he falls on his sword.

Tune in next Sunday night at 9pm ET on Twitter and Threads as we use the hashtag #DragonsYall and check out our YouTube show as we breakdown each of these episodes! 

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