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Major Media League: Bridging the Gap for Content Creators

Major Media League: Bridging the Gap for Content Creators

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Bryan Post is the CEO of Major Media League — a revolutionary social network for athletes to grow their brand, showcase their skills, and harness their entrepreneurial potential. As a college football athlete, Bryan didn’t always have the financial means to support himself, nor could he monetize his brand due to NCAA regulations. Even though he had the support of fans cheering him on, Bryan often found himself isolated in his journey to balance making a living and bringing home the victory

Fast forward to the passing of NIL laws in 2021– athletes finally gained the opportunity to profit off their brand and pursue partnerships that financially empower them. However, due to long-standing restrictions, these athletes are late to the influencer game. They also struggle to grow their social brand the right way.

Today, there remains a bigger problem for these social entrepreneurs.

Influencers have learned how to leverage these tools to influence and monetize their followers, but these platforms offer little to no value for the average young athlete. This growing inequity has led Major Media League to design a powerful platform focused on creating the next generation of athlepreneurs.

BGN had the exciting opportunity to interview Bryan Post and discuss how the Major Media League can bridge the gap for athletic influencers — especially, underrepresented Black athletes. Check out the exclusive interview below!

How did you discover that you wanted to be an entrepreneur? 

As far back as six years old, I was the kid sitting at the end of the block every Saturday morning to peddle lemonade. Thank God my parents never interfered with my money-making schemes. I always saw making money as a pathway to freedom. Not having to ask anyone for anything has always been important to me and that stayed with me as an adult.

Fresh out of graduate school, I got my first official job with the State of Texas. When I saw that first paycheck, the bottom of my stomach fell. I had a small family to take care of and college debt. 

That triggered a steady search for more pay. The problem was, after all of that education, I still didn’t understand money. Not only did my parents live from paycheck to paycheck, but schools didn’t teach about money. So I didn’t understand how the dollars added up, much less the taxes, but I knew how to work hard. 

Finally, after several jobs, I learned something else about myself: I have problems with authority! I didn’t like being told what to do by morons. Thankfully, I had a mentor in graduate school, Lawrence G. Anderson, who believed in me. He was the person who planted the seed that I could start my own business. I was 25 years old then. I’m now 49, and I haven’t looked back since.  

Throughout your entrepreneurial journey, you’ve had major successes. You’re one of America’s leading child behavior experts, a best-selling author, and now you’re taking on the sports world! What sparked the light bulb for the Major Media League? 

God has been good to me. I’ve always loved football — it was probably my first true love. It was all I ever wanted to do. I worked harder than anybody to earn a college scholarship, but then I realized really fast that I was still broke. One day I called my mom and asked if she could send me some money. I waited for a week for the mail to arrive. When I opened the envelope, there was $4 in it. Four one-dollar bills, not even a five! Even way back then, you couldn’t do much with $4. 

That memory has stuck with me for thirty years, and it was the founding thought for the Major Media League. When I left my small town, I had an entire community excited about me playing football in college. If I had the Major Media League, I could’ve easily leveraged my hard work to create a little support and financial freedom. 

Imagine if just 100 of your biggest fans decided to donate $5 per month to help you move forward. In return, you kept them entertained and informed about what you were up to in life. That’s $500 per month, which has all been created from the blood, sweat, and tears that went into becoming someone worthy of others being interested in and that’s just the beginning! Every athlete needs this opportunity.

What sets Major Media League apart and how can the brand empower Black athletes?

Kids who feel connected and supported are happier and, ultimately, will be more successful. Major Media League is a platform for athletic entertainment that teaches young athletes accountability, entrepreneurship, and skill mastery. 

We partner with masters of each sport to give our athletes the inside edge. This will create an additional layer of support for them because transitioning into adulthood is not for the weak of the heart. 

Playing sports while taking on the demands of life can be challenging. This is why we’re seeing a rise in young athletes struggling with mental health, especially in the Black community. 

As a stress and trauma expert for the past twenty years, I have a grasp on mental health challenges and we are leveraging this across the Major Media League to better support and empower athletes in their budding independence. Together, the world is a lot less scary than when we are divided. 

For young Black athletes who experience limitations in highlighting their athletic skills because of student debt or economic duress, the League will level the playing field. If you have a phone, then you can compete. If you can compete, then you can win scholarships and gain recognition.

We hear that you have some exciting developments, including the app that Major Media League will launch soon. Who can download the app and what will users be able to do on the platform?

So excited to launch our platform and we’re starting with softball as our first sport! Three-time US Olympic Softball Gold Medalist, Leah Amico, is our head ambassador. We’ve also partnered with two-time US Olympic Softball Gold Medalist and the first Black female softball Gold Medalist, Natasha Watley to introduce softball to inner city youth through the Natasha Watley Foundation.

We have an interactive platform for athletes, fans, parents, coaches, and brand partners. The athletes will compete as teams against one another in social media contests to win cool prizes and scholarships. 

Parents and fans will be able to patron their favorite athletes.

Coaches could create their own teams and challenges for their kids. 

Brands will be able to sponsor athletes and offer them sponsorship deals. 

We are creating an ecosphere that is athlete-centric and focused on growing kids towards independence, emotional intelligence, and social influence.

Phenomenal! Bryan, thank you so much for sharing your story with our audience. We can’t wait to see what’s in store at the Major Media League and how it will change young athletes’ lives.

Want to be one of the first notified when Major Media League’s app debuts? Visit their website to subscribe and follow them on Instagram (@MajorMediaLeague) for exciting updates!

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