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Silent Night Isn’t Just a Christmas Song on ‘Speechless’

Silent Night Isn’t Just a Christmas Song on ‘Speechless’

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The latest Christmas inspired episode of Speechless was the perfect amount of heart-tugging drama. This episode showcased the crazy things the DiMeos do, while also showing how much love they have for each other and others. Although they may not always show it. In this episode, Jimmy turned out to be the best boss ever, Dylan had a Love Actually moment with her big brother, Maya took one for her son, Ray stood up for the one he loves, and JJ spoke his mind.

Christmas tends to bring out the best in people as they showcase love and kindness towards others. This was true for the DiMeo family this year. When Kenneth announced a turkey give away for shoppers at his store, Jimmy took full advantage. Jimmy went so far as to steal receipts out of the dumpster for a free turkey. When Kenneth confronted Jimmy about it, turns out he was getting the turkeys for his employees which he planned to give away at their holiday party. Jimmy would have rather had Kenneth think bad of him than showcase what he was really trying to do.

Wait, so you’d rather I think you’re a total dirt-bag than admit that you’re trying to be a good boss? –Kenneth

In the end, Jimmy gave all his employees a holiday turkey with Kenneth as Santa. The holiday party was a success.

Dylan started the episode on the naughty list. She really wanted a dog, so she wrote a letter to request a service dog, even after JJ said he didn’t want to get one. When the request came through, JJ confronted her and was very upset. JJ has never been mad at Dylan, so it freaked her out and she did everything she could think of to get JJ to forgive her. She went so far as to take a vow of silence so she could communicate like JJ does. This was her attempt at understanding what it’s like to be him. It didn’t work. She was given a free A, told she was a good person, and invited on a trip to Aruba by a girl at school. When Dylan understands she can never know what JJ goes through, she apologizes with cue cards and Christmas music, like that one scene in Love Actually. She even got him the one thing he wanted for Christmas, a camera. JJ forgives her and all is well between the two.

Ray and his girlfriend Taylor spend a lot of time together. As they make plans for the Christmas holiday, Taylor’s mom decides she wants to meet Ray’s parents. When Ray brings this up with Maya, she agrees. We all know Maya to be one who speaks her mind and has a list of things she hates written on a wall in the house. Turns out one of those things is Melanie Hertzal, Taylor’s mom. When Ray plans a surprise meeting between the moms it ends with Melanie and Taylor leaving with Maya shouting, “Liar! You’re dead to me!”. Ray pleads for his mom to apologize. She agrees reluctantly.

It will be hard, but you do hard things for someone you love. –Maya

Maya silences her inner-self and apologizes. Melanie is still arguing how Maya should understand what it means to do anything for your son. Maya is ready to apologize again until Ray steps in. She apologized and that should be the end of it. Ray stands up for his mom and they leave. Maya is so touched she gives him an apology for no reason.

Christmas morning JJ wakes everyone up to a special presentation of his first film. It starts off with typing and introduces a voice to represent JJ. It is a love letter to his family.

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But most of the time, I’m just thankful for you, and I can’t always say exactly what I’m thinking.  –JJ

JJ tells his mom and dad he loves them. He thanks Kenneth for helping him with the ladies. He thanks Ray for being Ray, and he thanks Dylan for the camera. He thanks them all for understanding him and listening to him. He lets them know he has been listening to them too. Then, JJ brings out the cutest dog. “It’s not a service dog, but it is a family dog.”  The DiMeos prove this to be their best Christmas ever.

This was a fantastic episode full of the holiday spirit. Speechless won’t return until the new year, but this episode will send us off on a good note. So, Happy Christmas, Merry Kwanza, have a joyful Hanukkah, and happy holidays to all.

Cat CombsCatalina Combs is an aspiring film critic from California. She loves reading, writing, film, baking, music, drawing, traveling, Disney, and playing soccer. Her life usually revolves around all of these and her family. The oldest of six, Catalina tries to set a good example for her siblings. She graduated from Santa Clara University in 2010 with a BA in English Creative Writing and is pursuing an MA in Film. I also blog on WordPress and contribute to the website Twitter- @tiggercraze | Facebook- Cat Combs | Instagram: @tiggercraze

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