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Skyblew Music: “Revenge of the Chicken From Outer Space” Music Video

Skyblew Music: “Revenge of the Chicken From Outer Space” Music Video

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Young, buzzing Alabama-born emcee SkyBlew has been pretty low-key for most of 2016, after contemplating quitting music at the end of 2015. However, he made a triumphant return this August, dropped his new album as a surprise, and has been on fire every since!
In honor of the big album SkyBlew was featured on, In Ya Mellow Tone 10th Anniversary Best, hitting #1 on Japan’s iTunes charts, billboard etc., SkyBlew decided to drop something in the form of a new video in celebration!
“Well, if you REALLY sat and listened to my album/the story, then you know the whole story lead up to this song here. I said a lot in this song, more than I’ve ever said before. Was holding a lot in. This song was not only liberating for the scared little boy, it was also liberating for me… Even I had to come to the realization that you can’t deny the music & message that I have,” he wrote on Facebook, later adding, “I STAND OUT, I’m not like anyone else! IT’S TIME FOR PAYBACK!!” 
“So for anyone who has ever slept on me, overlooked me, stabbed me in the back, wasn’t there when I needed them, wanted me to fail and etc, this is for you… For those who have battled depression, wanted to give up, felt worthless, felt like you don’t belong here, always had a dream but thought it was unattainable? This is for you,” he said.
Presenting SkyBlew – Revenge Of The Chicken From Outer Space! Official Music Video! Prepare for something totally different…

Filmed by the incredibly talented filmmaker/videographer – Liam Kemple (Kemple Visual) Song Produced by Ouja Marek!
Song courtesy of SkyBlew The Cowardly Boy (Say it all together like A Tribe Called Quest), which WAS FEATURED ON BANDCAMP’S FRONT PAGE AS BEST SELLER!!! & BEING LABELED BY THE LISTENERS AS ONE OF THE MOST CREATIVE/UNIQUE HIP HOP ALBUMS OF 2016!
Be sure to check in on SkyBlew on social media:

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