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Truth and Lies on ‘The Magicians’

Truth and Lies on ‘The Magicians’

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In this week’s The Magicians, Penny ends up in the underworld looking for Benedict who died holding the key. Benedict, who clearly thinks more of their relationship than Penny, wants him to stick around and keep him company. Of course, Penny ditches him and runs into Sylvia. She takes him to someone that looks just like Alice, but her name is Cassandra. She’s the author of the books that Penny saw about everyone. She got the gift of sight after a brush with God. So now she writes everything down.

Poppy’s plan to distract Quentin with sex didn’t work, but it did lead to a very cerebral but catty conversation between her and Alice. She’s not a supporter of their plan to build a mirror bridge to travel to and rob the library. Her concerns are very valid about yet another plan that doesn’t sound well thought out. These folks always assume things are going to go perfectly even though they never do.

There’s a bit of cognitive dissonance with this episode because Penny is reading everyone’s story before it happens, but we’re seeing everything play out as if it’s in real time. I do appreciate the underlying story about the freedom of information. It’s like a fictional version of net neutrality.

Fen is another character that says what I’m often thinking. Alice is moping around because she lost the knowledge she had as a niffin that’s still out there while Fin is grieving the loss of her daughter. Alice is so self-absorbed that she can’t see past her own loss to understand someone else’s. At least she’s starting to see things less myopically. It does make her a bit less insufferable.

Eliot and Margo are in the disgruntled hands of the Fillorians. They’re finally being held accountable for their actions and the actions of other children of earth. It definitely looks like the Fillorians have been waiting for this opportunity.

Now we see how Irene has been able to maintain the magic that she has. She’s enslaved fairies, which seems completely justified in Fen’s eyes until she realizes that there may be more nefarious forces at work. Since she can see the fairy she can talk to her and find out how Irene keeps her enslaved. Unfortunately, she keeps her to make a magical powder out of her leg. It’s the powder she gave Julia when she needed magic. That’s pretty disturbing but definitely makes me think of how slaves’ bodies were used to treat white people here in America. It’s off-putting that this is a storyline here. It’s justifying, not only slavery but commoditizing their bodies for magic.

And the plot thickens as we learn more of Harriet’s story. She’s the daughter of the Head Librarian. I didn’t see that one coming, but it does help explain her dedication to making the information in the library available to everyone. Once she and Kady go looking for the magic battery, they find a case filled with vials of the ground up fairies, which is what the library is using to keep its magic.

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Penny finally realizes that Benedict does have the key, and he’s able to put it in the book. Of course, he never stops to realize that Sylvia, a fellow librarian, may report him. So he’s able to deliver the key right before he’s taken away by librarians.

Whew! This episode was really enlightening in a lot of great ways. It’s always nice to get answers to questions. But, I’m curious about one thing. I really hope Kady took a vial or two of the magic powder. Julia is going to need magical help.

‘The Magicians’ airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on SYFY.

Ashia R. Sims is a Digital Strategist by trade, storyteller, and technology enthusiast by design. She combined her experience in television/film production, public relations and copywriting into a career in digital strategy/content marketing consulting. Now she spends her days consulting with clients on how to monetize their content and teaching digital marketing courses online and in person. She represents one of the early generations of kids to grow up sitting in front of a computer and enjoys tech talk about the newest smartphone, the coolest app, the latest in data analytics and other digital news.

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