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Murewa Ayodele on Ororo Munroe and her Legacy in ‘Storm’ Solo Series

Murewa Ayodele on Ororo Munroe and her Legacy in ‘Storm’ Solo Series

Ororo Munroe Storm
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Ororo Munroe also known as Storm from the Marvel comic book series X-Men was my gateway into comics. Her indelible presence has expanded beyond comics and she’s become wildly popular in film and TV. Nigerian comic book creator Murewa Ayodele has always had a passion for animation and all things illustrated from a very young age, even though as a kid in Osun State, he barely had access to any. He didn’t buy his own print copy of a comic book till he was in college and at age 6, the only cartoon he had to watch was Hercules (1997) which belonged to his sister. He is now the writer behind Storm’s new on-going solo series with artwork by Lucas Werneck. In an exclusive interview with BGN, I asked him a few questions via email about what Storm’s legacy and her new journey will be in this solo series.

Can you share with us what Storm’s journey will look like in this series?

Ororo Munroe aka Storm has declared herself Earth’s protector, and if you know our beloved planet very well, you’ll know she gets in a lot of trouble. Her journey to becoming Earth’s protector is not going to be an easy one. She’ll face close friends in heart-wrenching battles, deal with the loneliness that comes with being Earth’s mightiest mutant, fight against impossible odds to save the innocent, and smite evil in thunderous fury. Her journey won’t be all doom and gloom either as she’ll rekindle old flames, make new friends, and discover new cosmic connections. It’s going to be a wild ride, but for you and me, it’ll be the most entertaining tale we’ve ever experienced.

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Ororo Munroe Storm

Storm has had many looks throughout the decades, what was the inspiration for her look in this series?

Storm has had so many incredible looks throughout her publication history. It’s so hard to pick just one, so we decided not to pick one. We are building this series to surpass the usual level of expectations. Storm will have multiple looks in our series, and some of the inspirations include Russel Dauterman’s Krakoan era designs, David Cockrum’s classic black and gold costume, Jim Lee’s silver jumpsuit look, and many more. The audience should expect battle armor and cosmic redesigns even. Because when you are working with Lucas Werneck, arguably the best costume designer in the comic industry, you ask him for multiple cool designs. So, read this series with an oxygen tank nearby because we aim to take breaths away.

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What do you hope fans will take away from this specific run of Marvel’s Storm?

I hope for readers of our run of Storm to develop an incredible fighting spirit that can never be broken in the face of life and its challenges. Yet, when life gets truly unbearable, I hope this run is a comfort that they can retreat into and be renewed like the eagle. 

Storm’s new solo run goes on sale October 2nd.

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