Inspired by the manga novels, Warrior Nun revolves around a 19-year-old woman (Alba Baptista) who wakes up in a morgue with a new lease on life and a divine artifact embedded in her back. She discovers she is now part of an ancient order that has been tasked with fighting demons on Earth, and powerful forces representing both heaven and hell want to find and control her.
First look photos below:
Warrior Nun stars: Alba Baptista (Ava), Tristán Ulloa (Father Vincent), Kristina Tonteri-Young (Sister Beatrice), Lorena Andrea (Sister Lilith), Toya Turner (Shotgun Mary), Thekla Reuten (Jillian Salvius), Sylvia De Fanti (Mother Superion), Emilio Sakraya (J.C.), Olivia Delcan (Sister Camila), Joaquim De Almeida (Cardinal Duretti), May Simón Lifschitz (Chanel), Dimitri Abold (Randall), and Charlotte Vega (Zori).
The creator/showrunner is Simon Barry and Barry is also executive producer along with Jet Wilkinson and Stephen Hegyes.