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BGN Giveaway: ‘Incredibles 2’ Blu-ray

BGN Giveaway: ‘Incredibles 2’ Blu-ray

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Incredibles 2 released on Blu-ray 4K Ultra HD,™ Blu-ray,™ DVD, and On-Demand on Nov. 6. If your family of Incredibles loved the film in theaters, then they will also love the home entertainment release. Black Girl Nerds has a way for you to win one of five Blu-ray discs or one of five digital Blu-ray editions of the film.

It’s Loaded with Extras

This home entertainment release is chock full of great and entertaining content. According to Disney Pixar Studios, that content includes:

  • bonus material highlighting the beloved characters in the film and the filmmakers who bring them to life
  • an all-new mini-movie Auntie Edna, which gives a glimpse of fashion visionary Edna Mode’s all-night endeavor to design a suit to best harness baby Jack-Jack’s expanding superpowers.
  • an inside look at the impressive production team at Pixar Animation Studios
  • documentaries highlighting the film’s relatable characters and stand-out scenes
  • 10 never-before-revealed scenes
  • filmmaker commentary
  • the touching theatrical short Bao and a corresponding featurette about how the dumplings sprung to life
  • and much, much more.

You can pick up your copy today wherever Blu-ray discs are sold and you can grab a digital copy On Demand.

BGN is Giving Away Copies of Incredibles 2

You can win one of five Blu-ray discs or one of five digital codes for the Incredibles 2 home entertainment release by entering our raffle. You can make an entry by sharing our post, tweeting about the Blu-ray release, or commenting on this Blog post. Go through the Link below for more details.

The Best Movies Marvel Never Made

Contest ends midnight Wednesday Nov. 7.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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