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The Cast of ‘The Ms. Pat Show’ Brings More Comedy This Sophomore Season

The Cast of ‘The Ms. Pat Show’ Brings More Comedy This Sophomore Season

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BGN interviews the team behind the BET+ series The Ms. Pat Show. Featured in the interviews are: Vince Swann (Brandon James), Brittany Inge (Ashley James) Briyana Guadalupe (Janelle Carson), Theodore Barnes (Junebug Carson),Tami Roman (Denise Ford), J. Bernard Calloway (Terry Carson), Patricia “Ms. Pat” Williams (Ms. Pat Carson) and Jordan E. Cooper(co-creator).

Fresh off an explosive critically acclaimed first season that scored a 100 percent on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer, Pat and her lovable family return for a second season August 11. The “grown folks sitcom,” complete with unfiltered language, is based on Pat’s incredible real life story of a teen mom and former convicted felon from inner city Atlanta turned suburban Indiana mom. Season 2 of The Ms. Pat Show, which has already taken on profound topics including non-binary pronouns, school shootings, drug addiction, racism and child abuse, finds the Carson Family moving from a period of adjusting to a white suburban neighborhood, into a season of growth in these new surroundings. This modern, multi-generational African American family, navigating life’s twists and turns against the backdrop of current cultural chaos, explores self-love and past traumas. Most importantly, Pat confronts her own demons with plenty of laughs and even a few tears along the way, as only she can do.

Interviewer: Ryanne Bennett

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

See Also

The Ms. Pat Show is currently streaming on BET+

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