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It’s About Time Film Criticism & Entertainment Embrace Women of Color Writers

It’s About Time Film Criticism & Entertainment Embrace Women of Color Writers

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Writer Kayleigh Donaldson of Pajiba created a detailed list of women who review film. This article was done in response to the noticeable lack of women in movie criticism. The article provides a point of reference for editors to look for potential writers. However, there aren’t nearly enough women of color writing for large publications. You will find them writing for themselves, freelancing, or being left out of the narrative altogether. I don’t need to provide statistics because it’s obvious.

The perspectives of women of color are needed now more than ever. Especially, with the overwhelming amount of tone deaf articles produced in the media as of late (mainly by white men and women). In the Google age, why people are still oblivious to women of color who write and review film is beyond me. But alas, here I am, writing this to inform the masses that in fact, women of color love film, love entertainment, like to write about it, and write about it very well.

With that said, here is a list of WoC writers, journalist, and bloggers you should follow. I am linking their Twitter pages only as it’s the simplest way to get updates on their work and getting in touch with them. If they want to give you their information from there, they have the option to do so.

Please, if you are a woman of color, or your name isn’t on this list, tweet me so I can add it. My Twitter handle is @valeriecomplex (I am also a film critic).

Lost Media: Five Things You Can't Stream and May Never See Again

Angelique Roche–Freelance
Amelia Cook–Animefeminist
Amy Lam–Onshegoes
Angelica Jade Bastién–
Angie J. Han–Mashable
Asyigin Haron–Geeksofcolor
Alice Wong–Nerdsofcolor
Alanna Bennett–Buzzfeed
Aisha Jordan–Blacknerdproblems
Anissa Handley–Blacknerdproblems
Anam Ahmad–Gossip and Gab
Ardo Omer–BookRiotComics
Britney Monae–The Marvel Report
Brittany Acts–Blacknerdproblems
Carolyn Hinds–Blackgirlnerds
Clara Mae–Freelance
Clarkisha Kent–Sublimezoo
Candice Frederick–Reeltalkonline
Caron LeNior–Blackgirlnerds
Constance Gibbs–New York Daily News
Cherry Davis–
Carrie McClain-Blacknerdproblems
Corrina Antrobus–
Desiree Rodriguez–Freelance
Davette See–Blackgirlnerds
Dahree Ann–Freelance
E. Lori. J–Freelance
Emily Yoshida–Vulture
Erica Mann–Freelance
Graveyard Sisters
Hanna Flint–Freelance
Inkoo Kang–MTVnews
Jahkotta Lewis–Blackgirlnerds
Jamie Broadnax–Blackgirlnerds
Jamie Righetti–Indiewire
Jacqueline Coley-Blackgirlnerds
Jen Yamato–L.A. Times
Jessica Kiang–Freelance
Joelle Monique- Afterbuzz TV/Freelance
Jagger Blaec–Freelance
Karen Han–Slashfilm
Keah Brown–Clichemag
Kristen Lopez-Freelance
Kayla Kumari–Autostraddle
Kelle Terrell–Freelance
Kelly Kanayama–Nerdist
Krutika Mallikarjuna–Inverse
Kosi Harris–Onecreatesoneself
Laura Sirikul–Freelance
Latinx Geeks–Outlet
Lisa Bolejeka–Bitch Flicks
Lauren Bullock–Blacknerdproblems
Lara Witt–Wearyourvoice
LaNeysha Campbell–Freelance
Laytonya P–Freelance
Maya Rupert–Freelance
Michele Canty–Daily Press
Melissa Leon–Dailybeast
Miranda Sanchez–IGN
Monique Jones–COLORwebmag
Monica Castillo–Watching
Mae Abdulbaki–The Young Folks
Marqueeda LaStar–Blackgirlnerds
Nancy Wang Yuen–Nancywyuen
Paige Allen–Geeksofcolor & Blackgirlnerds
Rebecca Theodore–Freelance
Stephanie T.–Womenoncomics
Sabrina Ibarra–
Shannon Miller– Freelance
Shenelle Zena–Blacknerdproblems
Simran Hans–Freelance
Susan Cheng–Buzzfeed
Sage Valentine–Freelance
Tracey Fan Club–Geeksofcolor
Tatiana King–Fan Bros
Talynn Kel–Freelance
Tora Shae–Blackgirlnerds
Tammy LeTela–Freelance
Tara Martinez–Fanfest
The Blerd Gurl–
Tiffany Vazquez–TMC
Vilissa Thomson–Freelance
Yolanda Machado–SassymamainLA










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View Comments (3)
  • @vaishax – Vaishnavi Sundar, freelance, founder of Women Making Films
    Would love to be part of this list of WoC.

  • Good to see Balckgirlnerds pushing this agenda forward. One would hope that Oprah Winfrey and others get on board and lent their support also. Where are the heavy lifters?

  • oh also Chaz Ebert, wife of the late great Roger Ebert. She writes on

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