Sezín Devi Koehler

Sezin Devi Koehler is a multiracial Sri Lankan/Lithuanian American, and author of upcoming 'Much Ado About Keanu: A Critical Reeves Theory' (April 29, 2025 from Chicago Review Press). Her bylines also include Entertainment Weekly, Scalawag Magazine, Teen Vogue, Tasteful Rude, and many others. You can also find her on Twitter ranting about politics (@SezinKoehler), Instagramming her newest art creations and lowkey cosplays (@zuzudevikoehler), and microreviewing horror movies on Facebook (@SezinDeviKoehler).

137 Articles Published | Follow:

The Magician Longs to See: An Elegy for David Lynch, ‘Twin Peaks’ Visionary and Hollywood Legend

The Magician Longs to See: An Elegy for David Lynch, ‘Twin Peaks’ Visionary and Hollywood Legend

I first “met” David Lynch when I was around 12 through his technicolor nightmarescape Wild…

For 40 Years Ridley Scott’s ‘Alien’ Has Been a Cinematic Masterpiece

Meet The Nostromo, a commercial spaceship for intergalactic towing services manned by only a crew…

‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’: Black Characters Representation and Racism

When Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiered on March 10, 1997 it effectively changed…

In 1986 Keanu Reeves’ ‘Brotherhood of Justice’ Promoted Cop-Free Schools

[The social justice message of demilitarized school zones in 1986 was way ahead of its…

Who Gets to Be an Antihero: A Primer on White Devilry in Visual Media

The white antihero is a cornerstone of white supremacy in visual media, setting a backdrop for law enforcement leniency in real life that doesn’t extend to communities of color.

Review: These Violent Delights Have Survivalist Ends in ‘Westworld’ Season 4

Westworld’s fourth season continues deepening the fantastic worldbuilding while meditating on what it really means to be human.

Review: ‘Orphan: First Kill’ is a Campy Slasher Prequel With Uncomfortable Shades of Ableism

Orphan: First Kill departs from the serious tone of the original, and offers no new insight into how its titular character becomes who she is.

Review: ‘Prey’ Honors Indigenous Knowledge and Resilience, But We Can’t Ignore Anti-Blackness Inherent in the ‘Predator’ Framework

‘Prey’ is a mixed bag when it comes to Indigenous and Black representation and inclusion on screen.

It Does Not Belong in a Museum: Indiana Jones’ Colonizer Legacy

The Indiana Jones franchise leaves out vital historical facts about the USA’s own colonial influence, including how Jim Crow laws and slavery inspired the Nazis.

‘Flowers in the Attic: The Origin’ is the Nuanced Adaptation VC Andrews’ Fans Have Waited Decades to Experience

Lifetime’s Flowers in the Attic: The Origin is the rare case of an adaptation far surpassing the book.