Kiersten Brown

Kiersten is a freelance writer and coach. As a writer, she has written for Travel Noire, Passion Passport, BAUCE mag, and various travel and lifestyle blogs. As a writer, her goal is to write content that inspires others to take action. As a coach, her goal is to empower women to be their most authentic selves. In her free time, you can find her dancing to any song any where.

159 Articles Published | Follow:

Where and How to Travel This Winter Season

Where and How to Travel This Winter Season

It’s that time of the year again, and you either love it or hate it.…

4 Ways to Be a Better Traveler Through Sustainable Travel

What is the one thing you always forget when you are planning your trip? Is…

Interview with World Champion Ajee’ Wilson on Being Bold in the Pursuit of Your Dreams

Hours of training, a strict regimen, healthy meals, and supplements are just a few of…

How to Start Traveling Solo

Here are the lies that you’ve been telling yourself about solo traveling: It’s incredibly dangerous,…

How to Travel without Relying on Your Cellphone

Would you travel without your phone? Probably not. It’s hard to believe that there were…

4 Black Women Doing Extraordinary Things in the Water

“Considering representations of Black women in water as necessary symbols of joy, liberation, and bodily…

The 10 Best Countries for Black Women to Visit

Almost every Black traveler does this: Before booking their flights, they go to Google and…

The Healing Power of Travel for Black Women

We’ve all admired the images of Black women abroad. The photos where their skin glows…

How to Safely Travel During COVID Times

You’ve been ready for months. You’ve been eager to jump on a plane to some…