Search Results for: "anime"

Black Girl Love: The Importance of Vibing with Your Tribe

Written by: Appei Porbeni I’ve never been one for parties (why go out into the…

BGN Film Review: Girls Trip

  By: DaVette See  Let’s cut to the chase: Girls Trip is the summer party movie…

BGN Wizard World: Writing Compelling Science Fiction Panel

Conventions are fun because of the vastly different experiences you can have over just a…

Cosplaying and Otherness

  By Rodi Brown I remember the first time I cosplayed. I used to frequent…

5 Black Women Who Can Slay an “Inhumans” Medusa Wig

Written by: Joi T. The queen of the Royal Family deserves better. Today, the ABC/Marvel…

Find Your Inner Pork Cutlet Bowl Fatale AKA Why You Should Watch Yuri on Ice

Yuri on Ice is a 2016 anime about figure skating. Yes, you heard me —…

It’s About Time Film Criticism & Entertainment Embrace Women of Color Writers

Writer Kayleigh Donaldson of Pajiba created a detailed list of women who review film. This…

It’s About Time Film Criticism & Entertainment Embrace Women of Color Writers

Writer Kayleigh Donaldson of Pajiba created a detailed list of women who review film. This…

WED-LOCKED: A Positive Potrayal of Married People Of Color

Written by: DY The web series, Wed-Locked, is ready for a second season and kicked…

Capturing Cosplay at London Comic Con

By: Julian Nshuro It is that time of year again—con season! Despite sounding like a…