
Anthony ONeal

PODCAST: Fighting Student Debt with Anthony ONeal

On today’s episode of BGN Politics, we’re covering the controversial topic of student loan debt…

McKayla Wilkes

PODCAST: Running For Congress with McKayla Wilkes

BGN Politics is running for Congress with McKayla Wilkes this week! We’re excited to bring…

Black Voters

Focusing on the Issues and Not Just Voting Will Advance the Black Vote in 2020

It’s true that if Black voters come out in record numbers we can change our…

White Men

Wealth and Financial Stability Isn’t Just For White Men

From Sorella Magazine The gender pay gap is proof positive that it benefits white men…

Elijah Cummings

Black Women Across the Nation Honor Rep. Cummings

We will carry on Rep. Elijah Cummings work — even as we mourn. Today the…

Qasim Rashid

PODCAST: Running For Senate with Qasim Rashid

BGN Politics is running for senate with Qasim Rashid this week! We’re excited to bring…

BGN Politics

Black Girl Nerds Presents a New Limited Series Podcast — BGN Politics

Starting this Wednesday and each week thereafter the BGN Podcast will drop new episodes of…

Maxine Waters

Rep. Maxine Waters Promises To Support Tyler Perry Studios Through Congress

Tyler Perry owns a 330-acre movie studio that is larger than Warner Bros, Disney and…

Why Joe Biden Is Bad for Black People

While Biden is a gaffe machine who makes for funny takeaways and cheap shots, his…

Here’s Why You Should Care About Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

Today marks Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, a date that acknowledges both the racial and…